The Mountain Top
Susan Corden Susan Corden

The Mountain Top

Have you ever had a ‘mountain top’ experience? One where you were over-awed, your senses and emotions kicked in and you were lost for words?

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Transformed for a moment…
Andrew Gregg Andrew Gregg

Transformed for a moment…

I am sitting here in the office listening to David Phelps' ‘O Holy Night’ and what an inspiration it is. In fact, I am literally moved to tears and in awe of what the human voice can accomplish. It may be cold and grey outside but right now all of that is transformed.

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The colour of the environment
Andrew Gregg Andrew Gregg

The colour of the environment

Crossing the Street. How many times do we do this in a day, whether it is in our neighbourhood, around our work place or when out shopping? It is something we normally do and yet never think about it.

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Susan Corden Susan Corden


Walls. Something we see everyday and never pay much attention to unless, of course, a problem develops. They provide security, privacy, protection from creatures and the elements and sometimes even make a statement about us.

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Change -Part 2
Andrew Gregg Andrew Gregg

Change -Part 2

Change is the one thing we are guaranteed in life. But how often do we fight against it? We so much want change, normally in others, but when it comes to ourselves there can be a reticence. Herein lies the challenge. The key, however, lies not so much i the change itself but in how we respond.

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Forgiveness -Part 2
Andrew Gregg Andrew Gregg

Forgiveness -Part 2

Recently I was listening to a podcast from 2009. This is one in a series which I have listened to many times over the years. The speaker’s theme is forgiveness and his presentation one which has greatly informed my understanding and outworking of the subject. One thing is clear - it is not easy and it costs. In the podcast the speaker refers to the old video game of Pong. Remember those early days of video games played on an Atari console? In its day it was a “go-to game”; today though, it looks more than antiquated, although the principle of the game has not changed. One player is pitted against another and the aim is to return a rectangular object which increases in speed as the play proceeds. It's just like tennis except it is on a computer and instead of a circular object to return it is an elongated one. I’m sure you get the idea..

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Living With Change -Part 1
Andrew Gregg Andrew Gregg

Living With Change -Part 1

Here in Victoria the weather is always a significant topic of conversation. Crowded House “4 seasons in one day” describes it best…

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Living all the seasons of life
Andrew Gregg Andrew Gregg

Living all the seasons of life

I was reading an article recently on "10 TO-DO’S IN YOUR GARDEN IN AUTUMN”. I don’t consider myself a big gardener but I do love the visual and sensory impact of gardens. Gardens have that subtle ability to change us if we let them. Autumn, preceding winter, can appear to be a season of, well nothingness. The colour has diminished, the deciduous trees are losing their leaves and growth has been slowed. Yet despite nature's slowing down this is an important season and it is easy to miss its importance in the rush and bustle of life.

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Forgiveness - Part 1
Andrew Gregg Andrew Gregg

Forgiveness - Part 1

As we seek to be a community of hope, living from our values, there is one key element vital to our being truly effective and loving: forgiveness. Eleven letters which hold so much emotion, so much fear and yet… , so much potential. So much opportunity. So much freedom.

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