The colour of the environment

Crossing the Street. How many times do we do this in a day, whether it is in our neighbourhood, around our work place or when out shopping?  It is something we normally do and yet never think about it.  It is just so natural. It is our means of transition.  But how much attention do we pay when we are doing it?  Do we notice the people who may be crossing at the same time, whether they’re going the same direction or in the opposite direction?  Do we see the expressions on their faces?  Notice what they’re wearing? It is worth while stopping in the course of a busy day, and just observe.  Notice!

I remember a number of years ago I was in Melbourne for a course in the middle of winter. As part of the course we were asked to go into the city and observe. Find a place to sit and just allow what was happening round and about to really impact us. I made my way to Flinders St. Station and stood on the corner, not far from the clocks, just watching the people come and go. It was a cold day, and had been raining. Being winter everyone was rugged up and dressed for the Melbourne weather. Almost everyone wore grey or dark clothes which made them blend into the surroundings of that cool and grey morning. As I watched, I noticed one lady, a solitary figure, make her way across St. Kilda Rd. She stood out against the crowd making their way in both directions. In the midst of a sea of grey she wore a striking outfit of red and, whilst everyone else around her blended in, she loudly proclaimed her presence, not in words but in her choice of colour that day. She was different. I walked away smiling to myself and thought of her brave and bold statement. Things may have been cold and grey around her but she was not going to allow the colour of her environment to dictate who she was.


Transformed for a moment…

